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Most Common Types of Personal Injury Claims

Most Common Types of Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury is a section of civil law that permits a person who has been injured in an accident to seek monetary compensation, known as damages, for their loss. A personal injury claim has the potential to make a victim better and stronger, in hopes to at least the financial position they would have had if the accident had never occurred.  These are the main categories of personal injury cases that are handled by our personal injury attorney in Orlando.   Medical Malp...

What to Do If You Are Injured at Work

What to Do If You Are Injured at Work

Have you recently been injured at work?  Are you concerned with workplace safety at your job?  Do you work a job that has many risks and hazards on a daily basis?  Injuries at work can occur, and therefore most employees are covered by workers’ compensation in Orlando.  However, in order to qualify for the benefits of workers’ compensation, you need to follow a strict timeline after the injury occurs.  These are a few steps you need to take when you are in...

Five Mistakes to Avoid after a Slip and Fall Accident

Five Mistakes to Avoid after a Slip and Fall Accident

Have you been the victim of a slip and fall accident that resulted in pain or injury?  Do you know the steps to take after you have suffered injury from this event?  When you are injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, you will be eligible for insurance compensation for your pain, suffering, injury, or medical attention.  Our personal injury attorney in Orlando is here to help you through this process, but there are a few things that you want to avoid doing.&nbs...

Five Questions to Understand Wrongful Death Cases

Five Questions to Understand Wrongful Death Cases

Wrongful death cases are some of the most difficult and emotional cases that are handled by our attorneys.  However, they are also the ones that we fight the hardest for the clients.  Wrongful death lawsuits are complicated, because the individual that suffered is no longer with us.  They are not able to fight on their behalf, which means that other members of their family will need to take on this burden.  As a personal injury attorney in Orlando, we advocate for these fa...

Five Steps to Prevent Construction Worker Injuries on the Job

Five Steps to Prevent Construction Worker Injuries on the Job

Did you know that construction worker injuries account for 20% of work-related injuries?  Did you know that many of these injuries are preventable?  When it comes to injuries sustained on the construction jobsite, there can be some steps taken to prevent them from ever happening.  When employers take these steps, they can protect their construction workers no matter how difficult or dangerous the job may be. Provide Adequate Fall Protection The main causes...

What Makes a Great Workers Compensation Attorney

What Makes a Great Workers Compensation Attorney

Have you recently suffered from a work-related injury that has caused extensive pain and suffering, disability, or loss of the ability to return to work?  When you suffer from an injury in the workplace, you are protected by workers’ compensation that your employer provides.  This entitles you to compensation for the extent of your injury.  If your company’s insurance company decides that you do not deserve the payout that you believe you do, you may find yourself i...

Five Reasons You Want to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

Five Reasons You Want to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

Suffering a major personal injury can be traumatically coupled with far-reaching consequences on your life. Further to suffering the injury itself, you must also deal with paperwork, medical bills, and insurance companies, which may be stressful when you strive to focus on your recovery and pursue the personal injury claim on your own.  Hiring an experienced and skilled personal injury attorney in Orlando is the best way to guarantee that your claim is handled professionally and that you...

Four Advantages of Hiring a Workers Compensation Attorney

Four Advantages of Hiring a Workers Compensation Attorney

When you are injured on the job, you can claim workers’ compensation benefits.  Being covered with insurance while you are working is essential in protecting employees on the job, and this is especially important when working in jobs in dangerous conditions.  As professionals that handle many cases for workers’ compensation in Orlando, we help clients get the best outcomes from their cases without having to worry about the paperwork and issues themselves.  These are...

Five of the Most Common Types of Medical Malpractice Cases

Five of the Most Common Types of Medical Malpractice Cases

Inaccuracies by medical professionals can occur in almost every situation, but certain types of errors are more common than others. However, merely demonstrating that a mistake happened is insufficient to establish blame. For the patient to lay a claim through their professional personal injury attorney, they must demonstrate that the error fell below the appropriate level of care for the doctor's specialty and that they were directly harmed as a result. The following are the most frequen...

Five Steps to Take to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Five Steps to Take to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Have you recently been injured at work?  Are you looking to seek compensation for injuries sustained as a result of work-related activity?  Being injured at work may not always be preventable, especially if you work in a dangerous field or industry.  Because of the dangers present at work, you are likely eligible for benefits for workers’ compensation in Orlando.  If you are looking for compensation to cover expensive medical bills, pain and suffering, or life-alteri...

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